meet new patients valentines day
If your current volume isn’t giving you the satisfaction you need, it’s time to see other patients.

Let’s face it, nobody else is going to love your clinic like you can. And what does your clinic really want most this valentine’s day? Instead of an unpredictable box of toothpaste chocolates where “ya never know what you’re gonna get”… Why not give your practice a steady patient volume, consistently full schedule, and even predictable marketing results throughout the year?

It’s a gift that actually does keep giving.

So while this is a light-hearted approach, the topic is very serious. And will help you have a successful 2022. Here’s your guide to:

  1. Go where new patients are
  2. Make your clinic attract more patients
  3. Build the relationship based on trust
Valentine's Patient Marketing

Your Guide to Going Where New Patients Are, Making Your Clinic Attract More, & Building A Relationship Based on Trust

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1) Go Where The New Patients Are

Just like dating, the first step to getting better results after the last two bad years is to meet people in new places.

In the world of marketing, that means no longer relying on the same old well of doctor referrals and word of mouth, but making yourself highly discoverable across MANY different places your potential customers spend their time.

Facebook, Instagram, local maps & listings, Google searches, local events… the list goes on and on. Maybe every option isn’t right for you, but don’t put your eggs in one basket either. Lots of patients are on Facebook… but not all. Lots of people are searching for help on Google… but not necessarily for “physical therapists” yet.

To really find the most new patients, you need to write an annual marketing plan that works to cast a wider net than you have before – getting your message and clinic in front of as many people as possible in as many places as possible.

Then, to scale your new patient volume you simply track results and invest more in the areas that are bringing in the most results while leaving other areas at an affordable level. 

This is the #1 way to do more patient marketing without breaking the bank.

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2) Make Your Clinic Attract More Patients

Your website is meant to attract attention and let people get to know you 24/7. It needs to bridge the gap in peoples’ minds from “can physical therapy help my problem?” to “this PT looks like the right fit for me.”

But unlike fancy dating platforms, your website is not powered by sophisticated profile matching algorithms to put you in front of your ideal patient at the perfect time – making your clinic “attract” people online is up to you.

This clinic, for instance, started promoting their new website using a combination of SEO, Google Ads, and Newsletters:


Here’s how your PT website could be attracting people on autopilot:

  • Ranking highly on organic Google searches for local physical therapy AND for specific conditions: Visitors from these searches don’t cost you anything but you do need to invest time into optimizing your webpages, blogging regularly, and ensuring your website is FAST for visitors especially on mobile.
  • Make the process of getting an appointment easy and clear: Once they are ready to reach out, make sure they can call or submit online easily and on any device.
  • Relate to visitors with specific pain conditions: Don’t tell someone with back pain “we can fix anything from head to toe.” Let them specifically see how you evaluate and care for back pain & have helped others with the same problem.
  • Answer questions that might stop them from calling or requesting an appointment: Many people won’t take the effort to call you for simple questions about insurance etc. Using tools like a chatbot can help answer these questions so you don’t lose a visitor and be automated so you don’t have to answer in real time.

To attract more patients online, simply speak to their specific problems and put the effort into making your expertise both available to potential patients and discoverable by Google.

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3) Build Trust in Your Expertise & Ability to Help Them

Every lasting relationship is built on trust.

It’s also a REALLY good way to encourage more of your website visitors to actually sign up and show up.

Online reviews are one of the first things potential customers in any industry look for and PT is no exception. Reviews are often the final nudge a patient needs to calm any fears or excuses. 

They go from “This clinic says they might be able to help, but can I trust them? After all healthcare is expensive… and I’m busy…” etc. to “Wow lots of people say they’re great, I feel comfortable talking to them.”

You can display your own expertise all you want, but at the end of the day, nobody trusts marketing as much as real testimonials from other patients. 

So, do you have several fresh, new reviews coming in every month? If you want potential patients to trust you more, make this a priority.

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The Final Dance:

Lastly, if you really want to boost your new patients this year and love your clinic more than ever, don’t just wish upon a star. Make a real plan with goals, target dates, and a strategy.

Check out this article for an annual plan template to get you started.


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